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Sam Summers

The Corporate Woman’s Ambition: A Superpower and an Achilles Heel

As corporate women, many of us have built our careers on ambition, drive, and a relentless desire to excel. We thrive on being the best at everything we do—whether it’s leading a team, delivering on deadlines, or climbing the corporate ladder. Our ambition is undoubtedly a superpower, enabling us to break through barriers and achieve levels of success that might have once seemed impossible. However, this same ambition, when unchecked, can become our Achilles heel, especially when we add a family into the mix.

The Superpower of Ambition

Being a high-achieving woman in the corporate world comes with a set of skills that makes us invaluable:

  • Goal-Oriented Mindset: We know how to set ambitious goals and execute strategies to achieve them.

  • Resilience: Challenges are simply opportunities in disguise. We persevere, learn, and come back stronger.

  • Time Management: With countless projects and deadlines, we know how to prioritise and maximise every minute of our day.

  • Adaptability: In fast-paced environments, we’re agile, quickly shifting gears when needed.

These traits fuel our professional growth and make us unstoppable forces in the workplace. Our drive ensures we get the job done, and more often than not, we excel.

The Achilles Heel: When Excellence Becomes Exhaustion

However, this same drive to be the best can backfire, especially when we take on new roles—like becoming a mother. Many of us feel pressure to continue excelling at work while also striving to be the perfect mother, partner, and friend. The result? Overwhelm, exhaustion, and often, burnout.

Here’s how the superpower of ambition can become our downfall:

  • Unrealistic Expectations: We set the bar so high for ourselves that it becomes impossible to maintain. We expect to perform at the same level in every area of our life, from our career to our home life.

  • Guilt Complex: High achievers often feel guilty for not giving 100% to everything, and this guilt compounds as we try to balance career success with family obligations.

  • Neglecting Self-Care: In the quest to be “superwoman,” we often put our own needs last. We sacrifice sleep, self-care, and downtime, believing that every spare moment should be dedicated to our work or family.

  • Inability to Switch Off: The same drive that makes us excel at work follows us home, and before we know it, we’re applying the same high-pressure mentality to our personal lives, creating an environment where there’s never a moment of rest.

Mitigating the Negative Fallout: How to Harness Ambition Without Burning Out

The good news is that we can channel our ambition in ways that empower us without leading to burnout. Here’s how:

  1. Redefine Success. Success doesn’t have to mean being the best at everything all the time. Sometimes, success means recognising what’s most important in the moment. Give yourself permission to be “good enough” in certain areas while you focus on what truly matters—whether that’s a project at work, a family milestone, or your own well-being.

  2. Set Boundaries—And Stick to Them. Learning to say no and setting clear boundaries is key to preventing burnout. This could mean creating non-negotiable personal time for yourself, saying no to unnecessary work tasks, or delegating responsibilities both at home and at work. Setting these boundaries helps prevent overcommitment and gives you space to recharge.

  3. Prioritise Self-Care as Essential, Not Optional. High achievers often view self-care as indulgent or something to fit in when there’s time. Shift that mindset—self-care is essential for your success, not a luxury. Whether it’s regular exercise, meditation, or simply taking a break to unwind, make self-care a priority. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

  4. Practice the Art of Delegation. At work, you likely lead a team and understand the value of delegation. Apply the same principle to your home life. If you’re trying to “do it all” without help, you’ll quickly feel overwhelmed. Delegate tasks where possible, whether it’s through a partner, family member, or hiring help when needed.

  5. Be Kind to Yourself. Remember, you’re human—not a machine. There will be days when things don’t go as planned, and that’s okay. Treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion that you would offer a friend. Celebrate your wins, no matter how small, and don’t dwell on perceived failures.

  6. Seek Support. As high achievers, we often feel we should be able to handle everything ourselves. But one of the smartest things we can do is seek support. Whether it’s through a coach, mentor, or peer group, having someone to help you navigate your career and personal life can provide much-needed clarity and relief. A coach can help you focus on the big picture, reminding you that it’s okay to let go of some control and prioritise what really matters.

Ultimately, ambition is a powerful tool, but it must be wielded wisely. High achievers are skilled at excelling in their careers, but we must also learn to excel at balance. The desire to be the best is a strength, but recognising when to slow down, ask for help, and set boundaries is equally important.

By embracing our ambition and simultaneously protecting ourselves from burnout, we can thrive in both our careers and our personal lives—proving that it’s possible to have it all, just not all at once.


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