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Hey there.


Also advertising executive, mum, wife, wellness coach, author, reader and kitchen-dancing extraordinaire. When my son was born in 2015, I was a single mum, a long way from home, luckily with a very good (but demanding) corporate job. Back then I wished I'd had a network of women I could talk to, women I could learn from and mainly, take solace that I wasn't alone! And so, I started writing about my experiences. Now, nine years later, I'm passionate about creating a better pathway for women in business, particularly those who choose to have a family too. I believe that despite what society tells us, each of us has the power to own our journey and build a life we love. I've heard the term "she's a survivor" many times in my life, but I've learned over time that it's not the badge of honour it might seem. Resigning ourselves to treading water leaves us in a constant state of stress and anxiety and even the strongest of us will suffer as a result. Once I realised that, I began to take control of my life in ways I'd never imagined, creating a life I adore. Though everyone's circumstances are different, my wish for you is that you realise your potential and truly THRIVE.


34Sevn began as a blog called City Mum. That was me. Lost and floundering in a world it didn’t feel I belonged. Back then I could have really used a space like this. So here it is, and I’m so glad you’re here.

Sam x

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